where to find us
1st Floor
1a Devonshire Road
W4 2EU
where to
find us
1st Floor
1a Devonshire Road
W4 2EU

Stephan Grothgar
GERMAN. Experienced actor and voice artist.
Stephan is originally from Hamburg and studied Drama at RADA and the Neighbourhood Playhouse School in New York. His voice has a medium range with a lot of flexibility.
His theatre productions include Golden October (Bridge Lane Theatre), Mother Courage (Chapter Arts Centre), Waiting For Godot (Sherman Theatre, Cardiff), The Bald Soprano (Sherman Theatre, Cardiff), Woyzeck (Reardon Smith Theatre), The Governess (Artaud Company, London), Tobacco Peril (Artaud Company, London), Kafka's The Castle (Cherub Theatre Company, Edinburgh Festival), Diary Of A Madman (Arts Centre, Exeter), Berlin Berlin and Dominique (Triangle Company, Cardiff).
His film and TV credits include Two Men Went To War, Doomsday Gun (HBO), The Wanderer (Sky TV), Backbeat, Splitting Heirs, Red Dwarf 2 (BBC), Inspector Morse, Capital City, The Bill, The March (BBC), Making News (Thames) and Goldeneye: The Secret Life of Ian Flemming (Anglia)
His VO work includes games recordings for OutRun 2, and title roles in Metalgear Solid and Shadowman. He's made numerous recordings for publishing houses such as Linguaphone, Oxford University Press, Cambridge University, Longman Group, John Murrey and MacMillan. His ADR/dubbing experience includes Young Indiana Jones, Women at War, Nightmare Years, Muzzy in Gondoland (BBC cartoon), Burning Secrets and The Luconda Affair.
Stephan Grothgar

GERMAN. Experienced actor and voice artist.
Stephan is originally from Hamburg and studied Drama at RADA and the Neighbourhood Playhouse School in New York. His voice has a medium range with a lot of flexibility.
His theatre productions include Golden October (Bridge Lane Theatre), Mother Courage (Chapter Arts Centre), Waiting For Godot (Sherman Theatre, Cardiff), The Bald Soprano (Sherman Theatre, Cardiff), Woyzeck (Reardon Smith Theatre), The Governess (Artaud Company, London), Tobacco Peril (Artaud Company, London), Kafka's The Castle (Cherub Theatre Company, Edinburgh Festival), Diary Of A Madman (Arts Centre, Exeter), Berlin Berlin and Dominique (Triangle Company, Cardiff).
His film and TV credits include Two Men Went To War, Doomsday Gun (HBO), The Wanderer (Sky TV), Backbeat, Splitting Heirs, Red Dwarf 2 (BBC), Inspector Morse, Capital City, The Bill, The March (BBC), Making News (Thames) and Goldeneye: The Secret Life of Ian Flemming (Anglia)
His VO work includes games recordings for OutRun 2, and title roles in Metalgear Solid and Shadowman. He's made numerous recordings for publishing houses such as Linguaphone, Oxford University Press, Cambridge University, Longman Group, John Murrey and MacMillan. His ADR/dubbing experience includes Young Indiana Jones, Women at War, Nightmare Years, Muzzy in Gondoland (BBC cartoon), Burning Secrets and The Luconda Affair.